
Do you have a story you'd like to share

Kategori: Me Life

Eftersom jag är helt oorginell och inte riktigt har motivation att faktiskt skriva om mitt eget liv så snodde jag denna listan från min kompis Liin. Tänkte svara på frågorna så kanske ni får veta något nytt om mig! Eller så får ni ingen ny information och slösar en minut på att läsa listan... Aja, här är den!
A- Age: 21, 22 in almost a month
B- Biggest fear: Failing and being alone
C- Current time: 20:48

D- Drink you last had: Pear juice
E- Every day starts with: Either my alarm or my cat talking
F- Favorite song: ATM, A.M by One Direction
G- Ghosts, are they real: I think so, it freaks me out though...
H- Hometown: Vallentuna
I- In love with: No one atm
J- Jealous of: Really social people who can small talk and so on..
K- Killed someone?: Can't admit to anything online..
L- Last time you cried?: Yesterday while watching a movie
M- Middle name: Elisabeth
N- Number of siblings: 4 brothers, Mikael, Daniel, Emil and Nils
O- One wish: To succeed at life
P- Person you last called: Daniel
Q- Question you're always asked: "You're not from here are you?" I speak a different dialect..
R- Reason to smile: A little happiness goes a long way, just by thinking postively and trying to find things to smile about I feel better! And also my cat
S- Song last sang: Wasn't expecting that by Jamie Lawson
T- Time you woke up: 10:00
U- Ultimate career goal: Preschool teacher
V- Vacation destination: USA, Great Britain, and a hundred more places!
W- Worst habit: Procrastinating..
Y- Your favorite food: Almost anything with chicken
X- X-Rays you've had: I've never had one
Z- Zodiac sign: Sagittarius